Premier Bintaro Hospital Introduces ROBBIN
Premier Bintaro Hospital (RSPB) celebrated its 24th birthday on 12th October 2022 with the theme “The Future Healthcare is Now, Tomorrow is Today”.

At the peak of its celebration, the hospital launched ROBBIN (Robot Bintaro), a new breakthrough in orthopaedic procedures, especially in Southeast Asia. This Robotic Navigation is used in spine surgery as well as other orthopaedic surgery cases, which allows the installation of implants in spinal surgery to have a very high level of accuracy.

According to Dr. Asrafi Rizki Gatam, Sp.OT K-Spine, one of the spine specialist doctors at RSPB, Robotic Navigation Spine Surgery or Robot-Assisted Spine Surgery is a surgical procedure that uses robotic arm technology to perform operations on the spine. In general, an orthopaedic doctor installs spinal implants in a “free hand” way that relies on knowledge of spinal anatomy and the help of x-rays.

“Robots used in spinal surgery can perform repetitive tasks with very high resistance without compromising performance and reducing the risk of human error due to fatigue thus, improving patient outcomes. Operations with robots begin with planning on the robot machine to determine the direction and position of the implant so that implant placement becomes very, very accurate with an accuracy rate of 99 percent," he added.

Operations on complex cases with changes in normal anatomical structures are very possible using robot technology. Several examples of cases that are difficult to do without robots include severe scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine, severe degenerative disease of the spine and third-degree bone displacement. The use of robots can also minimise radiation doses to patients, doctors, and operating room staff.

“Robotic Navigation Spine Surgery at our hospital has been integrated with 256 slices CT scan, C-Arm and is supported with MRI 3 Tesla technology. Previously, spinal surgery took eight but using ROBBIN, it can be reduced to two hours without the need of travelling overseas,” noted Dr. Martha M.L. Siahaan, MARS, MH.Kes, CEO of RSPB.
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